<>= - http://quantum-mirror.hu/mirrors/pub/slackware/slackware-iso/slackware64-13.37-iso/ - http://quantum-mirror.hu/mirrors/pub/slackware/slackware-iso/slackware-13.37-iso/ @ <>= **************************************************************** <> How to install x86_64 (and [x86](slack32.sh) too) version of Slackware Linux version 13.37 from 2011. Some [tips](#tips) below. The `slack64.sh` that follows is a live literate program [1]. <<htmlified slack64.sh>> [1]: [literate][lit] program ready for execution, i.e. self-tangling [lit]: http://www.literateprogramming.com/ **************** Screenshots ![12-11-28](12-11-28.png "12-11-28") Choose `sda2` for `/` (root) and `sda1` for `/boot`, format both as `ext4`, install everything ("full" installation). Installation will take some minutes, progress will be shown and these were the final dialogs: ![12-19-21](12-19-21.png "12-19-21") ![12-20-12](12-20-12.png "12-20-12") ![12-20-22](12-20-22.png "12-20-22") ![12-20-52](12-20-52.png "12-20-52") ![12-21-02](12-21-02.png "12-21-02") ![12-21-32](12-21-32.png "12-21-32") ![12-22-16](12-22-16.png "12-22-16") ![12-22-29](12-22-29.png "12-22-29") ![12-22-41](12-22-41.png "12-22-41") ![12-23-25](12-23-25.png "12-23-25") ![12-24-21](12-24-21.png "12-24-21") ![12-24-45](12-24-45.png "12-24-45") ![12-25-24](12-25-24.png "12-25-24") ![12-25-56](12-25-56.png "12-25-56") ![12-59-14](12-59-14.png "12-59-14") ![13-00-18](13-00-18.png "13-00-18") **************** <span id="tips">Tips</span> <<tips>> Later on I made a [32-bit version too](slack32.sh), instructions inside. **************** References <<references>> More details in the link below. @ <<YEAR>>= 2024 @ <<STAMP>>= 2024-02-10_10h47m46 @ <<ITEM_ID>>= slackware64-13.37_from_2011_on_qemu_v8.1.3 @ <<PAGE DIR>>= pages/<<YEAR>>/<<STAMP>>_<<ITEM_ID>> @ <<URL PREFIX>>= <<assets - base url>><<PAGE DIR>> @ <<CANONICAL URL>>= <<URL PREFIX>>/index.html @ <<*>>= <<sh preamble>> if git-file-is-pristine.sh README.txt; then rm -f .draft else date '+%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%S' > .draft git reset --quiet -- index.html fi nofake --error -Rrender <<PRIMARY SOURCES>> | sh @ <<PRIMARY SOURCES>>= <<TOP>>/assets.nw README.txt slack64.sh @ <<TOP>>= ../../.. @ <<PAGES>>= ../.. @ <<TITLE>>= ctarbi.de - slackware64 13.37 from 2011 on qemu v8.1.3 @ <<sh preamble>>= #!/bin/sh set -eu @ <<print LAST MODIFIED>>= if [ -f .draft ]; then last-modified.sh <<PRIMARY SOURCES>> | perl -MPOSIX=strftime \ -lne'print(strftime(qq{@<<LAST MODIFIED@>>=\n%B %e, %Y (DRAFT)\n@\n}, gmtime($_)))' else FORMAT='format:%s %B %e, %Y at %T UTC' git-last-modified.sh <<PRIMARY SOURCES>> | LC_ALL=C sort -nr | head -n1 | perl \ -lne's,^\d+ ,,; print(qq{@<<LAST MODIFIED@>>=\n${_}\n@\n})' fi @ <<set $t0>>= t0=`perl -MTime::HiRes=time -le'print(time)'` @ <<generated: $t1 - $t0>>= perl -MTime::HiRes=time -MPOSIX=strftime -le' $t1 = time; $t0 = $ARGV[0]; printf(qq{\n<!-- Generated in %.3f seconds on %s. -->\n}, $t1 - $t0, strftime(q{%B %e, %Y at %T UTC}, gmtime)) ' -- "${t0}" @ <<create index.html from .index.html>>= cat .index.html > index.html <<generated: $t1 - $t0>> @>> index.html chmod 0444 index.html @ <<update (or not) index.html from .index.html>>= if [ -f index.html ]; then if [ .index.html -nt index.html ]; then rm -f index.html <<create index.html from .index.html>> else echo "index.html is up to date." fi else <<create index.html from .index.html>> fi @ <<gen: base url>>= printf '@<<base url>>=\n' <<TOP>>/bin/show-config.sh website.base-url printf '@\n' @ <<gen: htmlified slack64.sh>>= <<asset - function escape>> printf '@<<htmlified slack64.sh>>=\n' i=slack64.sh printf '**** [`%s`](%s):\n\n' "${i}" "${i}" printf '<pre style="margin-left: 3ch;"><code>' escape "${i}" printf '</code></pre>\n' printf '@\n' @ <<generate>>= <<sh preamble>> <<print LAST MODIFIED>> cat <<PRIMARY SOURCES>> <<gen: base url>> <<gen: htmlified slack64.sh>> @ <<update (or not) .index.html from primary sources>>= nofake --error -Rgenerate <<PRIMARY SOURCES>> | sh | gzip > .cache ( gzip -dc .cache printf '@<<body>>=\n' gzip -dc .cache | nofake --error -R'body in markdown' | "<<TOP>>/bin/md-autoheader-autolink.pl" | <<assets - md.pl for pages>> printf '@\n' ) | CHMOD='chmod 0444' nofake.sh --error -Rindex.html -o.index.html @ <<render>>= <<sh preamble>> <<set $t0>> <<update (or not) .index.html from primary sources>> <<update (or not) index.html from .index.html>> @ <<index.html>>= <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <title><<TITLE>> <> <