ctarbi.de - compiling cmucl 2023-08 on a void-live-i686 vm

Prepare VM

qemu-img create -f qcow2 "void-live-i686--base.qcow2" 20G

Install OS

Download Void Linux live ISO image:

Start qemu to install from ISO image (tested with QEMU emulator version 8.1.3):

qemu-system-i386 -m 2048 -enable-kvm \
    -monitor stdio \
    -hda "void-live-i686--base.qcow2" \
    -cdrom "void-live-i686-20230628-base.iso" \
    -boot d

You should see the boot screen (choose the default/first option):

img boot

followed by the login screen:

img login

Login as root with voidlinux, then start the installer program void-installer, then follow the installation instructions, this is the installer main menu:

img installer

Options Keyboard and Network are straightforward.

For Source I always choose Local and then update the system later using xbps-install -Su

img source

Set Mirror according to the VM geographical location or use a global mirror:

img mirror 1

img mirror 2

img mirror 3

img mirror 4

To select another choice of mirror after installation, simply call xmirror on a terminal.

For Hostname, Locale and Timezone I leave them untouched, these are the default installer settings:

# cat /etc/hostname

# cat /etc/locale.conf

TODO: timezone

Options RootPassword and UserAccount are also straightforward.

Option BootLoader is trivial, there is just one sensible option:

img bootloader

Now start the most critical settings below, the Partition option:

img partition 1


img partition 2

After following the instructions above for GPT and no UEFI, you should end up with a this configuration on cfdisk:

img partition 3

Pay close attention to these steps:

img partition 4

img partition 5

img partition 6

I normally do not use a swap partition, if the need arises, it is trivial to setup a swap file on the root partition:

swapon --show
dd iflag=fullblock if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=4096 count=524288 2>/dev/null
mkswap /swapfile
chmod 0600 /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
# then add this to /etc/fstab: "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0"

Now comes the filesystem setup, XFS is a fine choice:

img filesystem 1

Mount it to the root directory:

img filesystem 2

Format and done:

img filesystem 3

Now just Install:

img install 1

img install 2

After installation is complete, choose to not restart, exit installer and shutdown the VM with shutdown -h now.

Start the system

qemu-system-i386 -m 2048 -hda "void-live-i686--base.qcow2"

Install Packages

After logging in with root and the choosen password from installation, it is advisable to change to a more friendly shell that is available, as shown below:

img chsh

Then update the package manager and the system:

xbps-install -Suy xbps

xbps-install -uy

After the last command you should end up with something similar to this:

img system-update

Then install these packages:

xbps-install xtools lsof wget curl lynx zip perl rsync unzip
xbps-install zsh mg nano vim tmux rlwrap colordiff groff time
xbps-install patch make git gcc gdb automake autoconf libtool
xbps-install xorg-minimal xorg-input-drivers xorg-video-drivers
xbps-install setxkbmap xauth font-misc-misc terminus-font
xbps-install dejavu-fonts-ttf xterm xrandr xset jwm vtwm
xbps-install firefox geany ncurses ncurses-devel libXt-devel
xbps-install motif-devel motif-mwm motif-xmbind xlsfonts
xbps-install font-adobe-100dpi font-adobe-75dpi

These packages are both very useful and some of them are prerequisite to build CMUCL.

After installation of additional packages, you should end up with roughtly this disk usage:

img disk usage

gcc version available at the time of this writting (January 11, 2024):

img after install 2

Creating backing image

chmod a-w "void-live-i686--base.qcow2"
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file="void-live-i686--base.qcow2" \
    -F qcow2 "void-live-i686.qcow2"

Start system with backed image

qemu-system-i386 -m 2048 -enable-kvm \
    -monitor stdio \
    -hda "void-live-i686.qcow2" \
    -boot c

Connect to guest from host

In guest, connect to host and send local tcp port 22 as remote (-R) 2223:

ssh -R2223: hostuser@ 'while date; do sleep 30; done'

In host, connect to guest:

TERM=screen ssh -p2223 void@

TERM is important for tmux to properly work.

Configure environment

Install coolscripts

Some instructions below only applies to zsh, adapt accordingly to your favorite shell.

mkdir -p ~/Downloads
git clone 'https://github.com/ctarbide/coolscripts.git' ~/Downloads/coolscripts
(set -eux; cd ~/Downloads/coolscripts/examples; nofake shell-tips.nw | sh)

Other miscellaneous settings

chsh -s /bin/zsh
git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global init.defaultBranch master

Setup a basic X11 graphical environment

Create a ~/.xinitrc file with these contents:

setxkbmap us

# faster keyboard repeat rate and smaller delay
xset r rate 190 35

xsetroot -solid '#0f2023'

# exec vtwm
exec jwm

After login:

exec startx


$ xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1440x900

(qemu) sendkey ctrl-alt-f2


Extract CMUCL binary

cd ~
wget -cN 'https://common-lisp.net/project/cmucl/downloads/snapshots/2023/08/cmucl-2023-08-x86-linux.tar.bz2'
(set -eux; mkdir -pv ~/cmucl-2023-08-x86-linux; cd cmucl-2023-08-x86-linux; tar -xjf ../cmucl-2023-08-x86-linux.tar.bz2)

Extract CMUCL sources

cd ~
wget -cN 'https://common-lisp.net/project/cmucl/downloads/snapshots/2023/08/cmucl-src-2023-08.tar.bz2'
(set -eux; mkdir -pv ~/cmucl-src-2023-08; cd cmucl-src-2023-08; tar -xjf ../cmucl-src-2023-08.tar.bz2)


cd ~/cmucl-src-2023-08
bin/build.sh -B boot-2021-07-2 -R -C x86_linux -o ~/cmucl-2023-08-x86-linux/bin/lisp
bin/make-dist.sh -V 2023-08 -I dist linux-4

Build shouldn't take long:

img build finished

And should work fine:

img it works


This page was last modified on February 16, 2024 at 18:07:46 UTC.